Friday 24 September 2010

transcendental gypsy caravan of creativity

Hi Everyone.. the Transcendental Gypsy Caravan of Creativity will sadly not be appearing t the end of the London Design Festival because it is a bit poorly.. we need to mend its pivot. Thankyou to everyone who turned out to see it at Goodwood, Bermondsey, Camden and on the South bank! we will however, be working on her over the winter, and trying to find a horse so that next time she will be rolling in the traditional way through the streets of London.
Please contact us if you would like to have updates, or even join us to visit her in her new home while the work continues. we thought a small drinks party and view for all those who have been disappointed not to see her on the road this week.

till 3rd october show at oxo gallery

Hi all change here.. we were and still partners of the brilliant London Design Festival, but we now have ALSO negotiated the Oxo gallery at the Oxo tower and have a big show, lots of great designers, and the opportunity to do co design workshops with us! come from 11 to 6 every day till the 3rd Oct!

eco factory on the south bank 22.9.10

report from London Design Festival..

We were at the Tanneries in Bermondsey on saturday, Camden high street on sunday and then on the south bank on wednesday. The Transcendental Gypsy caravan of Creativity captivated and amused everyone, surviving high winds in Camden, and then sparkling in the single glourious sunny autumn day that was this Wednesday.
Se the video of Amadis Sidamo, playing to people as they passed, and to the guys from TRAID (clothes charity) who were conducting SEW GOOD workshops.
Meanwhile, in the Oxo gallery, we opened the accompanying exhibition of co-design. Come and see us, we will be there beyond the design festival, until 3rd of october.
from 11.00 to 6.00 every day.
Designers include

Junky Styling
Jessie Chorley,
We Wear Wool,
Lauren Shanley,
Annie Sherburne
Kate Morris,
and more to be announced in the next blog
(I have to run downstairs to the gallery to check spellings of peoples surnames!!)

transcendental gypsy caravan and Amadis